Everyday weight management tricks used by successful WLS Veterans

Successful long term weight management for bariatric patients takes an extraordinary amount of commitment and discipline. I am 27 years post op this year and I must say – It’s awesome out here – meaning life beyond surgery, recovery, and initial weight loss,
It has been my great privilege to know and work with several outstanding WLS veterans who are getting it right year after year, after year! I reached out to this remarkable group of long term losers and asked them to share their real-world experiences and the number 1 trick they use regularly to maintain their weight. Here’s what they said:
“Know your limits. I stick to my eating plan when I go out by mindfully ordering exactly what I want and ONLY what I want. For instance, I order a hamburger – hold the bun and 4 French fries – not 3 not 6, but 4!  I know myself well and know how much of what kind of foods I can enjoy.”

20 years post op

18 years post op
“My trick is meal planning! I keep an inventory of all of the proteins I have in my freezer on the side of my refrigerator and all I have to pick up for the week are vegetables and eggs!
Really simple but stress free and a huge time saver!”
“Staying hydrated is one key to keeping both physical and head hunger under control for me. I do not allow myself to make my morning cup of coffee until I have 24 oz of water down, usually herbal tea. This helps me get and stay hydrated which in turn helps me feel good and stay focused.”

18 years post op

27 years post op
“Though I am not diabetic, I have learned how to improve my metabolic health by
controlling my insulin. For the last year or so, I have embraced Intermittent Fasting and daily apple cider vinegar”

WLS Success Since 1995!

An enduring inspiration, for 27 years Colleen Cook has educated and motivated audiences all over the world. She is a successful weight loss surgery patient from 1995 and President of Bariatric Support Centers International  Named “Bariatric Professional of the Year” in 2009, and honored by the International Federation of the Surgery for Obesity for her research. Colleen is the author of the internationally acclaimed, bariatric best seller, The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients book and is a sought after speaker for both professional healthcare conferences and weight loss celebrations. As an obesity education advocate, Colleen’s research-based presentations are a valuable addition to any healthcare conference for nurses, dieticians, or mental health professionals.

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